On Sticking With It
“I’m getting results . . . but I’m bored with the process.”
Yes, really . . . this is what I heard from someone recently.
From the “outside” the natural reply is obvious … “tough … it’s working: just keep sticking with it.”
It doesn’t answer the “inside cry” though.
Even though their action IS working, even though they’re creating leads into their business . . .
. . . they’re tempted to change.
They’re tracking results. They KNOW what’s working.
And they’re tempted to change.
What’s happening here? What’s happening “inside”?
The problem is . . . we’re HUMAN.
And as humans, we have six fundamental NEEDS.
One of those is . . . VARIETY.
Think about it . . . if we did the SAME tasks, if we ate the SAME food, if we went to the SAME places . . . day after day after day . . .
. . . Groundhog day, if you like . . .
. . . we’d feel . . . BORED.
Wouldn’t we?
So variety IS important.
However, when things ARE working in your business . . . when you’re producing CONSISTENT RESULTS . . . the WORST thing you can do is stop . . . especially stopping “because you’re a bit fed up”!
What options available then?
(a) Keep doing it . . . by automating it.
(b) Keep doing it . . . by getting someone else to do it for you.
© Keep doing it . . . yourself.
In that order.
Keep sticking with it.
It helps to be aware of the frailty of being human.